Mental Health Information
Health and Wellbeing
Through a wide range of support and opportunities, we are committed to supporting our students to become positive and happy citizens of Harris Academy St Johns Wood, by encouraging students to live healthy, happy lives.
Meet the Mental Health and Emotional Support Team:
Action for Happiness
A movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. They want to see a fundamentally different way of life - where people care less about what they can get just for themselves and more about the happiness of others.
Dealing with Anxiety
Understanding anxiety, how to spot the signs, tips for parents/young people and how to find more help.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is actually a perfectly normal human state, and despite its presence in the headlines as a major player in the mental ill-health of many people, it actually has its uses!
At moderate levels of anxiety, a person’s performance and attention to detail can improve. However, it becomes a problem when the feelings become more intense, last for a long time and begin to negatively impact on how well you can do things, your enjoyment of things and family life.
In general, stress and fear are seen as responses to specific, external factors, whereas anxiety is often internal and is usually concerned with what could or might happen.
Where to Find Help?
- Anxiety in Children (NHS)
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks (Mind)
- Helping your Child with Anxiety (Young Minds)
Find out about Mental Health and Support Resources in Westminster
Coping with Exam Stress
Tips and guidance on how you can take the 'stress' out of 'exam stress'.
- coping-strategies.pdf
- Stress Self Help
- managing-exam-stress.pdf
- Dr Alex debunks exam stress - BBC Bitesize
Mental Health Signposting and Guidance
A collection of links and resources, which can help to support mental health, resilience, emotional health and wellbeing.
o Head Meds (Powered by Young Minds giving information about medication and conditions)
o Royal College of Psychiatrists
o Mind Ed
o NSPCC (Mental health and suicidal thoughts)
o Kooth (Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 10-25)
o BEAT (Beating Disorders)
o Papyrus (Prevention of young suicide)
o The Mix (information & support for under 25’s)
o Youth Access (advice and counselling network)
o Calm Harm App (Self-harm support/distraction app)
o Headspace (mindfulness/relaxation app)
o Self Help Resources/Worksheets
Mindfulness, in a nutshell, is being able to focus on the present moment. It can be practised anywhere but preferably somewhere quiet to aid relaxation and reflection. Activities within our ‘Relaxation’ scheme of work are not all focused on mindfulness itself but the activities within allow students to reflect on past, present and future emotions and feelings.
Below is a brief overview of some of the things we cover:
Deep Breathing Exercises
Students focusing on their breath through teacher led step by step instructions.
Muscle Relaxation
Aim to tense and relax the whole body by starting with the head and neck and working all the way down to the toes. By focusing on each body part and tensing it for a set amount of time allows the mind to stay focused.
Mindfulness Activities
Listening to an audio clip through directed mindfulness or trying to develop this independently.
Relaxation poses.
Visual Imagery
Student led descriptive texts based around relaxing places and trying to engage students to imagine they are in a specific place away from stress and worries.
Activities to clear the mind and focus on a specific task at present: Colouring in, reading, listening to music, friendship bracelets, playing cards, playing with playdoh.