Parental Engagement Vision
• Parents understand and support the school and feel well-informed.• Good communication between school and home.
• Parents participate and contribute to the school community.
The parental Engagement programme will give parents an opportunity to let us know how they feel and engage in the wider school community, creating a collaborative environment that supports students' educational experiences, enhances communication between parents and teachers, and promotes community involvement, all of which contribute to the overall success of the children in our school.
Focus of Events
Our programme has been built around 3 strands:
Learning and Behaviour at HASJW
Progress, assessments, attendance, behaviour, Key Stages.
Personal development at HASJW
PSHRE, special events, extra-curricular, careers.
Safeguarding at HASJW
Safety, Wellbeing and Mental Health, Prevent, Healthy lifestyles.
Events will take place at a variety of times and places to be inclusive to all: in the morning/evening, online or recorded and shared with parents.