Academy Admissions
Welcome to the Harris Academy St. John's Wood admissions information page. Please look at our news page for details of our open evenings for prospective parents, carers and students.
Our full policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.
Admissions contact details
Telephone: 020 7722 8141
Address: Harris Academy St. John's Wood, Marlborough Hill, London NW8 0NL
Year 7 admissions
Harris Academy St John's Wood will admit 210 students each year. We have 210 places in Year 7 in September 2024 and welcome students of all abilities and from all backgrounds.
Applications for places will be made in accordance with local authority admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form provided and administered by the local authority. The Academy will work to the common admissions timetable agreed by Westminster City Council. Admissions must be made via Westminster City Council only and not directly to Harris Academy St. John's Wood.
The Local Authority notifies parents about successful applications to Secondary School on 1 March 2025.
Year 6 transition (including Taster Day)
The transition from primary to secondary school is a big step. There's more about how we make the transition as smooth as possible in our Key Stage 3 curriculum page.
In line with the other schools in Westminster we will hold a "Head Start" day for new students at the end of June 2025. The programme for the day will include a range of activities to reflect some of the subjects your child will study at Harris Academy St John's Wood. Further details will be sent to parents/carers nearer the time.
We also will hold a family day on a Saturday in early June 2025.
Sixth Form Applications 2025-2026
Internal students
Please see Ms Osman in person regarding your application status. Offers will be given out at the end of this half term (4 April 2025).
External students
Our applications have now closed. We will be opening a waiting list application on 4th Apri 2025. If you have sent your application in, you will hear from us by Friday 21st March 2025. Use the following link for more information: Click here
Secondary transfer appeals
For details of how to make an appeal if you are unsuccessful in applying for a place at Harris Academy St John's Wood, visit the Westminster website
Admission appeal forms need to be returned to the Academy by 22nd April 2025.
Where possible, if you have not done so already, please submit your appeal forms electronically to the following email address:
Admissions arrangements 2024-2025
The Governing Body of Harris Academy St John’s Wood met to review and consider the responses of the admissions consultation. After careful consideration, the Governing Body agreed to determine the Admission Arrangements for 2025 intake. The determined arrangements can be found below.