Upcoming & Recent Careers Events
Many of our upcoming events are supported by...
The Dorchester Hotel, 45 Park Lane, Wildhearts Group, The Money Charity, Lord's Cricket Ground, The Brilliant Club, Harris Experience, Unifrog, Forage , InvestIn, Access Creative College,Captial City College Group, Construction Youth Trust, London Business School, and HASJW is a member of the Central London Careers Hub
Autumn Term 2024:
UNLOC Buisness Bootcamp
20 Year 12 and 13 students took part in a 2-day workshop with UNLOC. Dom Thompson, entrepreneur, guided the students through all stages of creating a business. Students started with team building activities, where they learnt about the power of teamwork, communication and problem solving. They had sessions on how to network and build relationships in a business setting. They learnt about the Japanese concept of Ikigai- the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Students then developed a business model considering their target market, finances, marketing strategy, core values, and long-term plans. At the end of the two days, they presented their businesses in a Dragon's Den style pitch. On completion of the course, they can apply for a £1000 grant towards their idea!
Youth Construction Trust
The Construction Youth Trust mentoring programme has started for Y11 and Y12. Students have been introduced to the pro's and con's of different post-16 and post-18 pathways, workshops on who they are and what their skills are, and had an industry talk with three volenteers from the construction industry. Over the next two terms, students will be mentored by experts and meet with industry professions to help them make key decisions about their next steps.
Construction Youth Trust is a charity that helps young people access opportunities in the construction and built environment industries. They work with schools to deliver workshops, mentoring, and hands-on activities that inspire students to explore careers in construction. Their sessions provide insight into various roles, from architecture and engineering to trades and project management. By bringing their expertise into schools, Construction Youth Trust helps students discover pathways into an industry offering diverse and rewarding career options. Their workshops also aim to challenge stereotypes and promote diversity within construction careers. Schools benefit from industry-led sessions that enhance careers education, align with Gatsby Benchmarks, and support student aspirations.
Money Charity
This term Y7 will be having a financial literacy workshop with The Money Charity. The Money Charity is a UK-based organization dedicated to improving financial literacy and empowering individuals to manage their money effectively. They offer tailored workshops and resources for schools, helping young people develop essential money management skills. Their sessions cover topics like budgeting, saving, borrowing, and understanding financial products, ensuring students are better prepared for financial independence. By bringing their workshops into schools, The Money Charity provides engaging, interactive learning experiences that align with PSHE objectives. These workshops not only increase students' financial confidence but also promote informed decision-making and resilience against financial challenges. Schools benefit from expert-led sessions that complement their curriculum and support students’ personal development.
Y12 Guest Speakers
This term, we have had some excellent speakers at HASJW! They include;
- Katie Wharton- Careers in Construction and Apprenticeships
- Sophie Badman- Working at Netflix and life at Oxford University
- Jack Nejand- Managing mental health and well-being
- Justine Shackleton- Linklaters and Law firms
- Morgan Lewis- Careers in law
- Tameem Shadid- Career changes; pilot to investment banker to buisness owner
- Louis Connell- Civil Service
Ongoing throughout the year:
Year 12/13 Medicine & Dentistry Society (student-run)
Drop-in careers clinic (lunchtimes, Thursdays, Career Office)
Careers appointments (1 to 1 and small groups) with Ms Phillips
Model UN (Y12)
Text messages (weekly) parents of Y11 students (target group), including advice on open days for colleges, and Y13 parents of students who haven't applied on UCAS (advice on apprenticeships)
London Business School Talks (Y12)
Year 12 weekly Community Service/Work Experience
Year 12 Career Reading Groups (NEW, Term 5 onwards)
Academic Year 2023-24:
Week beginning 15.7.24
Year 10 = Department of Work and Pensions workshop - select group of students
Year 12 = The Dorchester Hotel staff workshop on Business Manangement - select group of students
Year 12 = UCAS virtual assembly
Year 12 = UCAS preparation talk
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 8.7.24
Year 10 & 12 = work experience assemblies
Year 10 = Department of Work and Pensions meetings - select group of students
Year 12 = Oxbridge and Medicine and Dentisty application one-to-one coaching
Year 12 = LSE LinkIn workshop - select group of students
Year 12 = VisionPath summer school and work experience - select group of students
Year 9 = Christie's Art Project trip - select group of students
Year 10 = Capital City College Group introduction - select group of students (postponed)
Year 8 = talks from:
- London Ambulance Service
- Metropolitan Police
- London Fire Brigade
Year 8 Lord's Cricket Ground trip to play on pitch, meet coaches and watch Test Match (select group of students)
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 1.7.24
Year 8 = DELL Technology workshop or Johnston Matthey workshop
Year 7 = DELL Technology workshop or Johnston Matthey workshop
- Year 7 = Money Management workshop delivered by The Money Charity (2 x Year 7 Maths classes this week)
Year 12 = Careers and Higher/Further Education Speed Networking event
- Year 12 = Medicine conference at UCL – Monday
- Year 12 = Oxbridge conference at UCL – Tuesday
- Year 12 = Russell Group online conference (online) – Wednesday
Year 12 = Business and Entreprise workshop - select group of students - Tuesday
Year 12 = UCAS personal statement workshops - select group of students - Wednesday
Year 11 = "Freshers' Week" including visit to Queen Mary University
Year 12 = VisionPath summer school and work experience - select group of students
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 24.6.24
Year 10 = work experience letters sent home
Year 7-12 = Careers Student Panel feedback
Year 10 = Team building day, developing employability skills, such as communication - Wednesday
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 17.6.24
Year 8 Unifrog Launch
Year 8 = Careers Advisor Introduction session - select group of students
- Year 7 = Careers Advisor Introduction session - select group of students
Year 8 and 9 virtual assemblies with Capital City College Group
Year 10 = Wednesday period 6, post-16 options session - select group of students
Year 10 = Tuesdays for 4 weeks to attend their coaching sessions at their business (Fortnum and Mason) - select group of students
Year 10 = Thursdays for 4 weeks to attend their coaching sessions at their business (RealAtkins) - select group of students
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 10.6.24
Year 12 guest speaker = The Dorchester Hotel staff
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = Are A levels right for me?
Year 10& 12 students and parents: 'Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Insight Session’ on Wednesday 12th June at 6pm-7pm.
Year 8 Unifrog Launch - postponed until next week
Year 10 tutor time = meet your careers advisor (one tutor group)
Year 10 = Wednesday period 6, post-16 options session - select group of students
Year 12 Oxbridge Society = Making applications
Year 10 = Tuesdays for 4 weeks to attend their coaching sessions at their business (Fortnum and Mason) - select group of students
Year 10 = Thursdays for 4 weeks to attend their coaching sessions at their business (RealAtkins) - select group of students
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 3.6.24
Year 12 guest speaker = Imperial University Environmental Society
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = Are BTECs right for me?
Year 10 tutor time = meet your careers advisor (one tutor group)
Year 12 Oxbridge Society = Making applications
Celebration of LBS's work with HASJW: this video, featuring our students, has been posted on the LBS LinkedIn and Instagram page: Link to video
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Last half-term:
Week beginning 20.5.24
Year 12 guest speaker = LSE International Relations Taster Lecture
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = Making Plans for 6th form
Year 7, Money Management workshop delivered by The Money Charity (2 x Year 7 Maths classes this week; other Maths classes booked for later in the term)
(Postponed) Year 12 1 Million Mentors - launch session (select group of students)
Year 12, PwC talk on Data Science in Computing lessons
Year 10, Future Frontiers launch
Talk with a pilot (select group of Y11)
Year 7, Brilliant Club trip to Goldsmith's University (select group of students)
- Year 10, Boys' Network, Launch event
Year 12 Oxbridge Society = Writing a Personal Statement, part 3
- Year 9, PwC talk on The Rise of AI in Computing lessons
- Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 13.5.24
Huge congratulations to Zainab, Ahad, John in Year 13 who have received offers for Medicine/Dentistry and IGY scholarships. Congratulations also to Vardell for receiving an IGY schlorship to support her course at a Russell Group university! (See image, below, of Ahad and John, along with other Harris offer holders).
Year 12 guest speaker = my career: a talk by a Chief Financial Officer
Compass+ evaluation review meeting with REED in Parentership
Year 12 workshop on employablity skills run by Lord's Cricket Ground (select group of students) - Friday
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = In Person, Hybrid, Remote - What Work is Best For Me?
Year 12 Civil Service Employability Workshop (select group of students) - Monday
Year 12 Oxbridge Society = Writing a Personal Statement, part 2
Year 11 and 12 Duke of Edinburgh award launch
- Year 9 Christie's event/trip, Life as an autioneer (select group of students)
Year 12 Career PSHE in tutor time on UCAS and Introduction to the Forage scheme
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
- Year 7, PwC talk on The Rise of AI talk in Computing lessons
Week beginning 6.5.24
Visit from The Dorchester Hotel and 45 Park Lane staff to launch our partnership
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker on careers at Lord's Cricket Ground
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = Wellbeing in the Work Place
IGY Scholarship interviews, Tuesday (select group of Y13s)
Year 8 & 9 assemblies = Talk from guest speaker about careers and employability skills needed at Lord's Cricket Ground
Year 10 assembly = Talk from Access Creative College
Year 12 talk on apprenticeship routes into law, led by the City of London Law Society (select group of Y12s)
Year 12 Oxbridge Society = Writing a Personal Statement
Year 12 Career PSHE in tutor time on UCAS and apprenticeships
Year 11 one-to-one sessions with Department of Work and pensions (select group of students) - Friday
1 Million Mentors recruitment of students for mentoring programme - Year 12
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 29.4.24
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker on Life Since Leaving QK/HASJW
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 7, Money Management workshop delivered by The Money Charity (2 x Year 7 Maths classes this week; other Maths classes booked for later in the term)
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = What Type of Career is Best for Me?
Year 7 tutor time = Unifrog launch
IGY scholarship interview practice (select Y13 students)
Year 12 Career PSHE in tutor time sessions on: UCAS and Is a UK apprenticeship Right for Me?
Year 11 one-to-one sessions with Department of Work and pensions (select group of students) - Friday
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 22.4.24
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker on careers in the field of Science
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 7, Money Management workshop delivered by The Money Charity (2 x Year 7 Maths classes this week; other Maths classes booked for later in the term)
Y13, Support with applications from Lord's Cricket Ground representative (select group of students)
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = complete Compass+ Future Skills Questionairre
Year 12 Oxbridge Society Launch
Year 12 Career PSHE in tutor time on UCAS
Year 11 workshop with Westminster Employment Services (select group of students)
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 15.4.24
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker on Civil Service Fast Stream
Year 7, 8, 9 Careers PSHE lessons based on the Careers Development Institute's framework and mapped against Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 10 tutor time, Wednesday = Reflecting on my Career Journey
Year 10 and 12 parents and students, Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Insight Session, Wednesday 6pm-7pm
Year 12 Career Reading Groups Launch, Friday
Year 12 & 13 Law/Civil Service Society = presentation by guest speaker on the Civil Service
Year 11 workshop with Westminster Employment Services (select group of students)
Year 12 Career PSHE in tutor time on UCAS and complete Compass+ Future Skills Questionairre
Y10, Friday: mock trial (select group of students)
Y10, Girls' Network - meet your professional mentor (select group of students)
Y8 theatre trip to see The Odysessy in a professional theatre (select group of students, who earlier in the year were selected for an introductory careers session with Ms Phillips)
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
This year:
Week beginning 25.3.24
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker Ms Alaweh talking about UCAS (Thursday instead of Friday this week)
Year 13 job application support from representatives from Lord's Cricket Ground
Year 9 Careers Day = Thursday, including Unifrog sessions, talk on Labour Markets with Ms Kopelman and Year 12 conducting mock job interviews for Year 9
Year 10 tutor time Wednesday = Introduction to Unifrog (part 4 - researching Post-16 options)
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 18.3.24
Year 12 tutor time Friday focus = Introduction to Pathways CTM, PLUS 3 tutor groups host job interviews for Year 7
Launch of HASJW partnership with The Dorchester Hotel for Careers Education
Year 7, 8, 9, 10 assemblies on Careers and Resilience by Ms Kopelman
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker about working in Press Relations
Next Steps Careers event = Year 11, 12 and 13
Year 10 tutor time Wednesday = Introduction to Unifrog (part 3 - using the careers library)
Year 9 workshop with professional mystery writer and trip to see 'The Mousetrap'
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Week beginning 11.3.24
Year 12 tutor time Friday focus = talk by Pathways CTM, PLUS 2 tutor groups host job interviews for Year 7
Year 12 guest speaker = Talk from guest speaker about working in the field of Law
Y13 mock assessment centre at Dartmouth Partners office (small group of students)
Library display for National Careers Week (continued from last week)
Year 10 tutor time Wednesday = talk by Pathways CTM
Year 8 workshop with professional mystery writer and trip to see 'The Mousetrap'
InvestIn Young Artist and Young International Politics event (select Y12 students)
Harris Federation Apprenticeship Programme Support for Year 10 and 12, see attachment at bottom of page
Year 11 workshop with Westminster Employment Services (select group of students)
Week beginning 4.3.24, National Careers Week
13D group = presentations from Lord's Cricket Ground on Live jobs (Friday) and talk from Dartmouth Parnters (Monday)
Year 12 tutor time Friday focus = Introduction to Unifrog (part 2 - using the quizzes), PLUS 3 tutor groups host job interviews for Year 7
Year 7 assembly Monday = Explaining the process of Year 12 hosting job interviews (which will start for 3 tutor groups this Friday)
Year 8-10 tutor time sessions on Careers in the Curriculum for NCW
Year 12 guest speaker = 120 students listen to talk on from governor on Risk Managment and 40 students have talk from the Money Charity on Credit
Library display for National Careers Week
HEA trip to Cambridge University
Year 10 tutor time Wednesday = Introduction to Unifrog (part 2 - using the quizzes)
Careers & English Trip: Y9: Globe trip (following on from workshop with actors in school before half-term)
Careers & IT Trip: Y12 and Y13 trip to Lord's Cricket Ground to find out about IT jobs there
Y8 trip: Environment & Sustainability Group Trip to the Royal Wisley Gardens
Y13: assembly from SEO about careers opportunities
KS3 History sessions on careers using skills taught in History
Visit: Y13 (small group) approved leave for Apprenticeship Fair
External candidates: 6th form interviews
Year 10 computer scientists (around 60): talk about careers in tech and the possible routes for further study, including BTECs and apprenticeships. This includes the following speakers: Ada College, a local specialist computing college, a student ambassador about his experience studying BTECs and at university, a data scientist working in industry about her route into the field
Week beginning 26.2.24
13D tutor group had presentations from Pathways CTM (plus, they have the one from Captial City group tomorrow). KKN lead a session on cover letters (using the STAR method to evidence your skills).
Year 12 tutor time Friday focus = Training for giving Year 7s job interviews
Year 10 tutor time Wednesday = Introduction to Unifrog (part 1 - logging on) and student evaluation form for talk from the Money Charity on Payslips and Pensions (9th Feb)
Careers Trips: Year 8 and 9: Debate Mate trip (x 12 students) and Year 12 (x140 students) visit to Tottenham University and Apprenticeship Fair