Careers Opportunities at HASJW
Year Group
Spotlight on careers tutor time sessions by tutors, subject specific careers information, starting with Year 9 and 11
Access to and use of UniFrog with supported learning access and learning tutorials
Employability skills developed in PSHRE sessions
Careers workshops: knowledge of the world of work, knowledge of different career paths, support with target setting, links with external providers and speakers
Careers assemblies, including talks from colleges and about apprenticeships
1:1 careers interview with careers adviser, with priority given to vulnerable students
Drop in lunch time sessions with careers advisor in careers office in the library
Small group careers guidance sessions with careers advisor to explore post-16 options, progression routes and next steps to secure ‘destination’ choices
Additional interviews with careers advisor for additional support and follow up for target student groups
Individual interviews and workshops with those students seeking or considering employment, apprenticeships or School Leaver schemes – including bespoke Year 13 tutor group for these students
Identification and tracking of students identified as at risk NEET. Support and workshops delivered by Westminster Council outreach. College support on academic review days. Support with apprenticeship and college applications. Intended and actual destinations tracked and reported.
Careers advisor to attend parents and information evenings.
Harris experience: individual and group interviews.
Tracking intended and actual destinations for 6th form school leavers and reporting to the LA.
National careers week and National Apprenticeship Week workshops in tutor time
PSHRE lessons in summer term with teachers trained by Careers lead
Careers Focus ‘drop-down day’ with talks from The Money Charity
REED interview skill development and practice
Careers fair (‘speed dating’ event with external providers, including colleges, universities and employers) and speakers)
Guest speaker weekly lectures (all year 12s, some year 11s and 13s)
Talks with alumni
STEM healthcare and careers day
Next Steps event with talks from universities and employers
Medic Mentor conference
Post-16 information evening and provider fair
6th Form experience afternoon
University visits
Pathways CTM mentoring and interventions
LSB talks and partnerships
VisionPath workshop
6f bulletins about upcoming Work experience opportunities
Work experience week
University fair at Tottenham Stadium
Nestle and Wildhearts workshops
Year 13 Careers Prefects supporting younger students (through routine ‘drop in session’ and student-run Medical/Dentistry society)
Options information evening and subject ‘marketplace’
Subject specific assemblies / tutor sessions discussing skills they develop and career pathways these can link to
Parent coffee morning for parents of vulnerable students with careers advisor
Community Service program
‘13D’ intervention tutor group for students needing support with apprenticeship applications
Student survey on careers provision
Friday tutor time – Careers focused
(Term 1&2: apprenticeships and university, Term 3&4: CVs and labour markets, Term 5&6: applications and work experience)